How to do successful spring cleaning

How to do successful spring cleaning?

Spring cleaning refers to the decluttering and disposing of unwanted stuff, wiping and eliminating dust from every corner of your home. Spring cleaning focuses on detailed cleaning tasks which includes areas you do not clean up on a daily basis such as furnishing, organizing, cleaning from ceiling all the way to the floor, window treatment, ventilation adjustment to prevent condensation, maintenance and update of electronics etc.

Just like the new year is the time of refreshment and setting ultimate goals. Spring cleaning marks the reset of everything in your home. Spring cleaning not only gives you a feeling of satisfaction but also adds benefits to your health.

If you are unaware on how to start off then the following cleaning tactics from the experts of Best in OZ Cleaning Services will definitely help you to achieve a dirty free home.

  1. Make a schedule

Since, organizing and managing plays an important role in achieving success in handling any particular task. You might end up in confusion thinking where should I start? It doesn’t matter where you start, having a proper plan will keep you productive and focused on the task. 

So, go room by room and start making a good cleaning weekly schedule. More importantly, you do not need to sort everything out in one day or follow other complicated specific rules. After making a weekly schedule, try to invest one hour a day on performing cleaning tasks every day with enjoyment. It will not only boost your productivity but will be key to success. 

You should know that the key is not to vitalize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your vitalities.

  1. Get your family involved

You should make your spring cleaning filled with joy and happiness instead of making it monotonous. It is a great decision to get family members involved. After making a weekly schedule, you should divide specific house chores to everyone.

Even young children can be a big help. It will help them to become productive and determined in work later in future. so, turn the music on and get started. 

  1. Focus on cleaning top to bottom

When it comes to spring clean, it’s important to start from the ceiling to the deep-down floor. It will force dirt and debris downward to the floor and keep you from having to re-clean the area. You can also use a vacuum with an extension hose to get webs and dust from ceiling and fans.

You should wipe your furniture and other items before vacuuming all the dust from your floor. It will not only save your valuable time but eliminate germs and bacteria completely. 

  1. Use eco-friendly product

It’s spring, you have to think green and try to connect with nature. Just like everyday is a new beginning, you should start spring with a clean mindset. You should not expose yourself to toxic chemical’s products.

Using such products affects your health in a major way both physically and mentally. You should try a steam cleaner, which is one of the best eco-friendly products for spring cleaning. You can use this product to clean your tile and hard floors, kitchen appliances like microwave, bathroom, doors etc.

You may think, how is that product 100% chemical free? Since steam cleaners only use hot water vapor, it isn’t involved with any chemicals. 

Alternatively, you can also use a combination of white distilled vinegar, baking soda and water. It is affordable and cheap as compared to the steam cleaner.
These cleaning tips will help you to start off the cleaning tasks. If you are unable to manage time then you can delegate the task to professional home cleaners. They will have appropriate technology and knowledge to deal with all those stubborn stains.

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