Guest Post by: Chloe Harris
For most, staying at home is one of the best means of combating COVID-19. However, locking yourself inside your house does not exactly mean that you locked COVID out. You will still need to exercise extra measures to make sure that your home remains COVID-free.
Like what Hayes Thomas, novated car lease professional at Novalease, said, ‘While the virus is spread primarily through respiratory droplets and person-to-person contact, it could also latch on to surfaces for hours and days. Despite it not being a main form of transition, there is still a possibility of getting infected.”
This would mean that you will need to be more vigilant about who comes through your front door and more cautious about how you clean and disinfect your home.
While cleaning is different from disinfecting — with their distinction lying on the process — they are after the same goal: to free surfaces and homes from germs. Aside from cleaning and disinfecting, there are other ways you can try to keep your home free from COVID!
Here are a few simple yet valuable tips you can try:
Make A Good Cleaning Plan
During these times, it would be best to have a good and organised cleaning plan. It does not have to be something overly complicated or detailed. Just plan out little things such as designating a person to be the errand-runner to limit exposure and setting up a designated disinfecting station.
The disinfecting station may be an area outside your home that does not encounter high foot traffic where you can safely disinfect groceries, packaged food, and more.
When You Are Out
Despite being a stay-at-home period, you will still need to leave the comforts of your home for essential errands occasionally. When outside, it is vital to practice the basic health guidelines for COVID, such as social distancing, wearing masks, bringing disinfectant wipes, and cleaning hands frequently.
Establish A New Routine At Home

If you just came from outside, make sure to wash your hands immediately. Disinfect any handheld items, takeout boxes, and packaged goods at your disinfecting station.
It would be best to establish new cleaning and disinfecting routines at your home. Ensure that you disinfect everything you touch and only use disinfectants that are not a health hazard.
For deliveries, ask it to be dropped off on your doorstep or area. Make sure to keep proper distance when accepting mail and deliveries. Disinfect them and clean your hands right after.
When Someone Falls Ill
If a member of your family or someone you live with falls ill, immediately isolate them in a room, preferably with their restroom, and minimise contact as much as possible. Avoid sharing any items, such as clothes and cutlery, and wear gloves whenever you wash their laundry.
Cleaning and disinfecting should also be increased.
Take The Extra Step For A Clean and Sanitised Home.

COVID-19 is an invisible enemy that humans are forced to protect themselves from. Following these tips and combining them with proper health guidelines can make a difference in your home.
Wise Clean offers various practical cleaning tips and suggestions that can help keep your home COVID-free. Browsing through their website can help you find helpful cleaning and disinfecting ideas to reinforce your home’s defenses against COVID!